Problembasiertes Lernen Bioinformatik / Problem based learning bioinformatics (PBL)
Im Sommersemester 2025 findet der Kurs montags von 17:15 bis 18:45 Uhr in der Richard-Wagner-Str. 10 (Raum D 118) statt.
Achtung: die erste Besprechung findet am 5. Mai um 17:15 in Präsenz statt.
Termine für das Wintersemester 2025-2026 werden später bekannt gegeben.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie Prof. Frischmann oder Prof. Heun für die Anmeldung.
Plan of the course
In the summer semester each PBL participant is expected to study a relevant paper (Paper1), write a report about it, and give a brief presentation.
Attention: The deadline for report submission is June the 27th, 2025. Presentations will take place on July the 7th and, possibly, on July the 14th.
For the winter semester another paper (Paper2) will be provided and the students will be asked to write a report and to give a detailed one-hour presentation about BOTH papers (including a Q&A session).
List of topics:
- AlpfaFold
- Alternative splicing
- Disordered proteins
- Enrichment analysis
- Evolutionary rates
- Mutations and disease
- Network modules
- Orthologs, paralogs
- Protein interactions
- Signal peptides
- Structural disorder
- Transcriptomics