Y. Couderc, T. D. Reddy, G. Vardiero, A. Garg, D. Ricci, M. d’Almeida, C. Nicolas, T. Habchi, Y. K. Wu, J. Gjorgjieva, Y. Li, E. Valjent, and A. Beyeler (2024). Dopamine transmission in the anterior insula shapes the neural coding of anxiety. bioRxiv
D. Festa, C. Cusseddu and J. Gjorgjieva (2024). Structured stabilization in recurrent neural circuits through inhibitory synaptic plasticity. bioRxiv
S. Shao, J .L. Riquelme and J. Gjorgjieva (2024). Spontaneous emergence and drifting of sequential neural activity in recurrent networks. bioRxiv
H. Heiser, F. Kiessler, A. Roggenbach, V. Ibanez, M. Wieckhorst, F. Helmchen, J. Gjorgjieva and A.-S. Wahl (2024). Brain-wide microstrokes affect the stability of memory circuits in the hippocampus. bioRxiv
J. M. Dwulet*, N. Zabouri*, J. H. Kirchner*, M. E. Wosniack, A. Raspanti, D. Kong, G. J. Houwen, P. P. Maldonado, C. Lohmann# and J. Gjorgjieva# (2024). Correlated spontaneous activity sets up multi-sensory integration in the developing higher-order cortex. bioRxiv (*equal contribution, #co-corresponding authors)
M. Guyoton, G. Matteucci, C. G. Foucher, M. P. Getz, J. Gjorgjieva and S. El-Boustani (2024). Cortical circuits for cross-modal generalization. bioRxiv
L. May, A. Dauphin and J. Gjorgjieva (2025). Pre-training artificial neural networks with spontaneous retinal activity improves motion prediction in natural scenes. PLoS Comp Biol (in press)
J. H. Kirchner*, L. Euler*, I. Fritz, A. Ferreira Castro and J. Gjorgjieva (2025). Dendritic growth and synaptic organization from activity-independent cues and local activity-dependent plasticity. eLife 12:RP87527 (* equal contribution)
J. Bauer*, U. Lewin*, E. Herbert, J. Gjorgjieva, C. Schoonover, A. Fink, T. Rose, T. Bonhoeffer and M. Hübener (2024). Sensory experience steers representational drift in mouse visual cortex. Nature Communications 15, 9153. (*equal contribution)
S. Lakhera*, E. Herbert* and J. Gjorgjieva (2024). Modeling the Emergence of Circuit Organization and Function during Development. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol (*equal contribution) PDF
S. Eckmann, E. J. Young and J. Gjorgjieva (2024). Synapse-type-specific competitive Hebbian learning forms functional recurrent networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121(25): e2305326121.
F. Waitzmann*, Y. K. Wu* and J. Gjorgjieva (2024). Top-down modulation in canonical cortical circuits with inhibitory short-term plasticity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121(16): e2311040121. (*equal contribution)
S. Shao, M. Meister and J. Gjorgjieva (2023). Efficient population coding of sensory stimuli. Physical Review Research 5, 043205
Y. K. Wu and J. Gjorgjieva (2023). Inhibition stabilization and paradoxical effects in recurrent neural networks with short-term plasticity. Physical Review Research 5, 033023
M. D. Ketkar*, S. Shao*, J. Gjorgjieva# and M. Silies# (2023). Multifaceted luminance gain control beyond photoreceptors in Drosophila. Current Biology 33(13): 2632-2654.e6 (*equal contribution, #co-corresponding authors)
S. Aimon, K. Y. Cheng, J. Gjorgjieva and I. C. Grunwald Kadow (2023). Global change in brain state during spontaneous and forced walk in Drosophila is composed of combined activity patterns of different neuron classes. eLife 12:e85202
J. L. Riquelme, M. Hemberger, G. Laurent and J. Gjorgjieva (2023). Sequential propagation and routing of activity in a cortical network. eLife 12:e79928
M. Ploner, A. Buyx, J. Gempt, J. Gjorgjieva, R. Müller, J. Priller, D. Rückert, B. Wolfrum and S. N. Jacob (2023). Reengineering neurotechnology: placing patients first. Nature Mental Health 1,5-7
M. E. Wosniack, N. Hu, J. Gjorgjieva# and J. Berni# (2021). Adaptation of Drosophila larva foraging in response to changes in food distribution. eLife 11:e75826 (#co-corresponding authors)
C. Miehl and J. Gjorgjieva (2022). Stability and learning in excitatory synapses by nonlinear inhibitory plasticity. PLoS Comp Biol 18(12): e1010682
Y. Wu*, C. Miehl* and J. Gjorgjieva (2022). Regulation of circuit organization and function through inhibitory synaptic plasticity. Trends in Neurosciences (*equal contribution)
C. Miehl*, S. Onasch*, D. Festa and J. Gjorgjieva (2022). Formation and computational implications of assemblies in neural circuits. The Journal of Physiology (*equal contribution)
L. M. A. Richter and J. Gjorgjieva (2022). A circuit mechanism for independent modulation of excitatory and inhibitory firing rates after sensory deprivation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 119 (32) e2116895119
B. M. 't Hart et al. (2022). Neuromatch Academy: a 3-week, online summer school in computational neuroscience. Journal of Open Source Education 5(49)
S. Sela‐Vasiliu, C. Miehl, H. Huygelier, M. Oren‐Suissa, J. Gjorgjieva, and C. R. Gillebert (2022). Mentorship during the COVID‐19 pandemic: perspectives, challenges and opportunities. European Journal of Neuroscience
J. H. Kirchner and J. Gjorgjieva (2022). Emergence of synaptic organization and computation in dendrites. Neuroforum
J. Gjorgjieva and I. Fiete (2021). Editorial overview: Theoretical and computational approaches to decipher brain function from molecules to behavior. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 70: iii-vii.
A. Schulz*, C. Miehl*, M. J. Berry II and J. Gjorgjieva (2021). The generation of cortical novelty responses through inhibitory plasticity. eLife 10, e65309. (*equal contribution)
J. H. Kirchner and J. Gjorgjieva (2021). Emergence of local and global synaptic organization on cortical dendrites. Nature Communications 12, 4005.
K. Röth, S. Shao and J. Gjorgjieva (2021). Efficient population coding depends on stimulus convergence and source of noise. PLoS Comp Biol 17(4): e1008897.
M. E. Wosniack, J. H. Kirchner, L.-Y. Chao, N. Zabouri, C. Lohmann and J. Gjorgjieva (2021). Adaptation of spontaneous activity in the developing visual cortex. eLife 10:e61619.
J. L. Riquelme and J. Gjorgjieva (2021). Towards readable code in neuroscience. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 22, 257-258.
P. P. Maldonado, A. Nuno-Perez, J. H. Kirchner, E. Hammock, J. Gjorgjieva and C. Lohmann (2021). Oxytocin shapes spontaneous activity patterns in the developing visual cortex by activating somatostatin interneurons. Current Biology 31(2): 322-333. e5.
Y. Wu, K. B. Hengen, G. G. Turrigiano and J. Gjorgjieva (2020). Homeostatic mechanisms regulate distinct aspects of cortical circuit dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 117 (39) 24514-24525.
L. Montangie, C. Miehl and J. Gjorgjieva (2020). Autonomous emergence of connectivity assemblies via spike triplet interactions. PLoS Comp Biol 16(5):e1007835.
K.P. Siju, V. Štih, S. Aimon, J. Gjorgjieva, R. Portugues and I.C. Grunwald Kadow (2020). Valence and state-dependent population coding in dopaminergic neurons in the fly mushroom body. Current Biology 30(11):2104-2115.e4.
S. Onasch and J. Gjorgjieva (2020). Circuit stability to perturbations reveals hidden variability in the balance of intrinsic and synaptic conductances. Journal of Neuroscience 40(16):3186–3202.
R. E. Field, J. A. D'amour, R. Tremblay, C. Miehl, B. Rudy, J. Gjorgjieva and R. C. Froemke (2020). Heterosynaptic plasticity determines the set-point for cortical excitatory-inhibitory balance. Neuron 106(5):842-854.e4.
J. Gjorgjieva, M. Meister and H. Sompolinsky (2019). Functional diversity among sensory neurons from efficient coding principles. PLoS Comp Biol 15(11): e1007476.
T. Dalmay, E. Abs and R. B. Poorthuis, S. Onasch, Y. Lozano Navarro, P. Tovote, J. Gjorgjieva and J. J. Letzkus (2019). A critical role for neocortical processing of threat memory. Neuron 104:1180-1194.e7.
S. Sayin, J.-F. De Backer, K.P. Siju, M. E. Wosniack, L. Lewis, L.-M. Frisch, B. Gansen, P. Schlegel, A. Edmondson-Stait, N. Sharifi, C.B. Fisher, S. Calle-Schuler, S. Lauritzen, D. Bock, M. Costa, G.S.X.E. Jefferis, J. Gjorgjieva and I. C. Grunwald Kadow (2019). A neural circuit arbitrates between perseverance and reward in hungry Drosophila. Neuron 104:544-558.e6.
A. Torrado Pacheco, E. I. Tilden, S. M. Gruztner, B. Lane, Y. Wu, K. B. Hengen, J. Gjorgjieva and G. G. Turrigiano (2019). Rapid and active stabilization of visual cortical firing rates across light-dark transitions. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 116:18068-18077.
Z.P. Kilpatrick, J. Gjorgjieva and R. Rosenbaum (2019). Special Issue from the 2017 International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience. J Math Neurosci 9:1.
N.J. Miska, L.M.A. Richter, B.A. Cary, J. Gjorgjieva and G.G. Turrigiano (2018). Sensory deprivation inversely regulates feedforward and feedback excitation-inhibition ratio in rodent visual cortex. eLife 7:e38846
L. M. A. Richter and J. Gjorgjieva (2017). Understanding neural circuit development through theory and models. Curr Opin Neurobiol 46:39-47.
J. Gjorgjieva, J. F. Evers and S. J. Eglen (2016). Homeostatic activity-dependent tuning of recurrent networks for robust propagation of activity. J Neurosci 36:3722-3734.
J. Gjorgjieva, G. Drion and E. Marder (2016). Computational implications of biophysical diversity and multiple timescales in neurons and synapses for circuit performance. Curr Opin Neurobiol 37:44-52.
J. Gjorgjieva, R. A. Mease, W. J. Moody and A. L. Fairhall (2014). Intrinsic neuronal properties switch the mode of information transmission in networks. PLoS Comp Biol 10(12): e1003962.
J. Gjorgjieva, H. Sompolinsky and M. Meister (2014). Benefits of pathway splitting in sensory coding. J Neurosci 34:12127-12144.
H. M. Barnett, J. Gjorgjieva, K. Weir, C. Comfort, A. L. Fairhall and W. J. Moody (2014). Relationship between individual neuron and network spontaneous activity in developing mouse cortex. J Neurophysiol 112: 3033-3045.
J. Gjorgjieva, D. Biron and G. Haspel (2014). Neurobiology of C. Elegans locomotion: Where do we stand? BioScience 64:476-486.
A. K. Barreiro, J. Gjorgjieva, F. Rieke and E. Shea-Brown (2014). When do microcircuits produce beyond-pairwise correlations? Frontiers Comp Neurosci 8(10).
R. A. Mease, M. Famulare, J. Gjorgjieva, W. J. Moody and A. L. Fairhall (2013). Emergence of adaptive computation by single neurons in the developing cortex. J Neurosci 33:12154-12170.
J. Gjorgjieva, J. Berni, J. F. Evers and S. J. Eglen (2013). Neural circuits for peristaltic wave propagation in crawling Drosophila larvae: analysis and modeling. Frontiers Comp Neurosci 7(24).
J. Gjorgjieva, C. Clopath, J. Audet and J.-P. Pfister (2011). A triplet spike-timing-dependent plasticity model generalizes the Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro rule to higher-order spatiotemporal correlations. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108:19383-19388.
J. Gjorgjieva and S. J. Eglen (2011). Modeling developmental patterns of spontaneous activity. Curr Opin Neurobiol 21:1-6.
Before 2011
J. Gjorgjieva, T. Toyoizumi and S. J. Eglen (2009). Burst-time-dependent plasticity robustly guides ON/OFF segregation in the lateral geniculate nucleus. PLoS Comp Biol 5(12): e1000618.
S. J. Eglen and J. Gjorgjieva (2009). Self-organisation in the Developing Nervous System: Theoretical Models. HFSP Journal 3:176-185.
J. Gjorgjieva and J. Jacobsen (2007). Turing Patterns on Growing Spheres: The Exponential Case. Discrete Contin Dyn Syst Series A, suppl: 436-445.
J. Gjorgjieva, K. Smith, G. Chowell, F. Sanchez, J. Snyder and C. Castillo-Chavez (2005). The Role of Vaccination in the Control of SARS. Math Biosci Eng 2: 753-769. 10.3934/mbe.2005.2.753
J. Gjorgjieva (2011). Spontaneous Activity and Plasticity in the Developing Nervous System. PhD Thesis. University of Cambridge: Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and Trinity College.
J. Gjorgjieva (2006). Turing Pattern Dynamics for Spatiotemporal Models with Growth and Curvature. Undergraduate Thesis. Harvey Mudd College: Department of Mathematics.