Plant Biotechnology Lecture + Seminar (WZ 2581)
4 SWS , Lecturer: Poppenberger, Bathe & Seminar Speakers - details see TUMonline
Practical Course Directed Evolution UE (LS20049)
4 SWS, Lecturer: Bathe - details see TUMonline
Project Management in Molecular Plant Biotechnology SE (WZ 1578)
4 SWS, Lecturers: Poppenberger, Sieberer & Bathe
For students that perform a research project, a Master or a Ph.D. thesis in the participating labs.
Research Projects
10 SWS, Lecturers: Poppenberger, Sieberer, Bathe & others
6-week block course; offered all year. For information or registration, please send an email.