Publications by Farhah F. Assaad
Schreckenberg Y, Ali ST, Kałużny J, Wiese C, Emrich A, Wright L, Palubicki W, Annighöfer P, Bolle C, Assaad FF. Oak outcompetes beech in two-year old saplings subjected to heat and drought. in preparation.
Tulin F.., ...Assaad FF, et al., .Control of mitotic entry by the plant-specific phosphatase BSL1 and cyclin-dependent kinase B. submitted
Jacobi J, Andres C, Assaad FF et al., 2025. Syntropic Farming Systems for Reconciling Productivity, Ecosystem Functions, and Restoration. The Lancet Planetary Health LANPLH1221 In press.
Wanner G, Schroeder-Reiter E, Assaad FF. 2024. Cryo-SEM and Large Volume FIB-SEM of Arabidopsis cotyledons: Degradation of lipid bodies, biogenesis of glyoxysomes and reorganisation of organelles during germination. Journal of Microscopy
Kałużny J, Schreckenberg Y, Cyganik K, Annighöfer P, Pirk S, Michels D, Cieslak M, Assaad FF. Bedrich B, Palubicki W. 2024. LAESI: Leaf Area Estimation with Synthetic Imagery. SynData4CV.
Medina M, Reyes-Martín MP, Levy L, Lázaro-González A, Andivia E, Annighöfer P, Assaad FF et al. Ex situ germination of European acorns: data from 93 batches of 12 Quercus species. Annals of Forest Science 81, 50 (2024).
Wiese C, Abele M, Al B, Altmann M, Steiner A, Kalbfuß N, Strohmayr A, Ravikumar R, Park CH, Brunschweiger B, Meng C, Facher E, Ehrhardt DW, Falter-Braun P, Wang ZY, Ludwig C, Assaad FF. 2024. Regulation of adaptive growth decisions via phosphorylation of the TRAPPII complex in Arabidopsis. J Cell Biol. 223 (5): e202311125, doi: 10.1083/jcb.202311125.
Selected publications since 2000
Wiese C… Assaad FF. 2023. Regulation of adaptive growth decisions via phosphorylation of the TRAPPII complex in Arabidopsis. 10.1101/2023.04.24.537966
Kalbfuß N, Kegel M, Le Lien, Grosseholz F, Brunschweiger B…Facher E, Palubicki W, Bolle C, Assaad FF. 2022. A role for Brassinosteroid signaling in decision-making processes in the Arabidopsis seedling. PLoS Genetics, 18(12), e1010541.
Garcia VJ, Xu S-L, Ravikumar R, Wang W, Elliott L, Fesenko M, Altmann M, Falter-Braun P, Moore, Assaad FF, Wang ZY. 2020. TRIPP is a Plant-specific Component of the Arabidopsis TRAPPII Membrane Trafficking Complex with Important Roles in Plant Development. The Plant Cell, May 2020. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.20.00044
Kalde M, Elliott L, Ravikumar R, Rybak K, Altmann M, Klaeger S, Wiese C, Abele M, Al B, Kalbfuß N, Qi X, Steiner A, Meng C, Zheng H, Kuster B, Falter-Braun P, Ludwig C, Moore I, and Assaad FF. 2019. Interactions between Transport Protein Particle (TRAPP) complexes and Rab GTPases in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 100(2):279-297.
Ravikumar R, Kalbfuß N, Gendre D, Steiner A, Altmann M, Altmann S, Rybak K, Edelmann H, Stephan F, Lampe M, Facher E, Wanner G, Falter-Braun P, Bhalerao RP, Assaad FF. 2018. Independent yet overlapping pathways ensure the robustness and responsiveness of trans-Golgi network functions in Arabidopsis. Development 145 dev169201. 10.1242/dev.169201
Ravikumar R, Steiner A, and Assaad FF. 2017. Multisubunit tethering complexes in higher plants. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 40: 97–105.
Smertenko, A, Assaad FF, Baluska, F, Beuanilla, M, Buschmann, H, Drakakaki, G, Hauser, MT, Janson, M, Mineyuki, Y, Moore, I, Müller, S, Murata, T, Otegui, MS, Panteris, E, Rasmussen, D, Schmit, AC, Samaj, J, Samuels, L, Staehelin, LA, Van Damme, D, Wasteneys, G, Zárský, V. 2017. Plant Cytokinesis: Terminology for Structures and Processes. Trends in Cell Biology 27: 885-894.
Steiner A, Müller L, Rybak K, Vodermaier V, Facher E, Thellmann M, Ravikumar R, Wanner G, Hauser M-T, and Assaad FF. 2016a. The Membrane-Associated Sec1/Munc18 KEULE is Required for Phragmoplast Microtubule Reorganization During Cytokinesis in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant 9, 528–540.
Steiner A, Rybak K, Altmann M, McFarlane HE, Klaeger S, Nguyen N, Facher E, Ivakov A, Wanner G, Kuster B, Persson S, Falter-Braun P, Hauser M-T and Assaad FF. 2016b. Cell-cycle regulated PLEIADE/AtMAP65-3 links membrane and microtubule dynamics during plant cytokinesis. Plant J. 88, 531–541.
Rybak K, Steiner A, Synek L, Klaeger S, Kulich I, Facher E, Wanner G, Kuster B, Zarsky V, Persson S, Assaad FF. 2014. Plant Cytokinesis Is Orchestrated by the Sequential Action of the TRAPPII and Exocyst Tethering Complexes. Dev Cell 29: 607-20.
Thellmann M, Thiele K, Rybak K, Wanner G, Assaad FF. 2010. Tethering factors required for cytokinesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 154: 720-32.
Jaber E, Thiele K, Kindzierski V, Loderer C, Rybak K, Jürgens G, Mayer U, Söllner R, Wanner G, Assaad FF. 2010. A putative TRAPPII tethering factor is required for cell plate assembly during cytokinesis in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. 187: 751-763.
Szostkiewicz I, Richter K, Kepka M, Demmel S, Ma Y, Korte A, Assaad FF, Christmann A, Grill E. 2010. Closely related receptor complexes differ in their ABA selectivity and sensitivity. Plant J. 61:25-35.
Thiele K, Wanner G, Kindzierski V, Jürgens G, Mayer U, Pachl F, Assaad FF. 2009. The timely deposition of callose is essential for cytokinesis in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 58: 13 – 26.
Assaad FF. 2009. The membrane dynamics of root hair morphogenesis. In Root Hairs (Emons, A.M.C.; Ketelar, T., eds) Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 65-84.
Assaad FF, Qiu JL, Youngs H, Ehrhardt D, Zimmerli L, Kalde M, Wanner G, Peck SC, Ramonell K, Somerville CR, Thordal-Christensen H. 2004. The PEN1 syntaxin defines a novel cellular compartment upon fungal attack and is required for the timely assembly of papillae. Mol Biol Cell 15: 5118-29.
Strompen G, El Kasmi F, Richter S, Lukowitz W, Assaad FF, Jürgens G, Mayer U. 2002. The Arabidopsis HINKEL gene encodes a kinesin-related protein involved in cytokinesis and is expressed in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Curr Biol. 12:153-8.
Söllner R, Glässer G, Wanner G, Somerville CR, Jürgens G, Assaad FF. 2002. Cytokinesis-defective mutants of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 129: 678-90.
Assaad FF, 2001. Of weeds and Men: what genomes teach us about plant cell biology. Curr Opin. Plant Biology. 4: 478-487.
Assaad FF, Huet Y, Mayer U and Jürgens G. 2001. The cytokinesis gene KEULE encodes a Sec1 protein that binds the syntaxin KNOLLE. J Cell Biol. 152: 531-543.
Assaad FF, 2001. Plant Cytokinesis: exploring the links. Plant Physiol. 126: 509-516.
Waizennegger I, Lukowitz W, Assaad FF, Jürgens, G. and Mayer, U. 2000. The Arabidopsis KNOLLE and KEULE genes interact to promote fusion of cytokinetic vesicles during cell plate formation. Current Biol. 10: 1371-1374.
Sanderfoot AA, Assaad FF, and Raikhel, NV. 2000. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome: an abundance of SNAREs. Plant Physiol. 117: 407-415.