Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dimitri Frischmann
Lab head
TUM Weihenstephan
Room: OG-L11
Phone: +49 (0)8161 71-2134
Email: d.frishman[at]wzw.tum.de
Personal data
- 1984 M.S., Electrophysics, Electro-Technical University, St Petersburg, Russia
- 1991 Ph.D., Biochemistry, Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg Russia
- 1992-1993 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany
Career History
- 1984 - 1987 Research fellow, Institute of Medical Laboratory Equipment, St Petersburg, Russia
- 1987 - 1991 Research fellow, Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- 1992 - June 1996 Post-doctoral fellow, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany
- June 1996 - 2000 Senior scientist, Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences (MIPS), Martinsried, Germany
- 2001 - April 2003 Deputy Head, Institute for Bioinformatics at the German Research Center for Health and Environment
- since May 2003 Professor of Bioinformatics, Technical University of Munich
Research interests
- Genome analysis
- Bioinformatics of viruses
- Prediction and analysis of protein interactions
- Disease informatics
- Protein structure analysis and prediction
- mRNA evolution
- Structural Bioinformatics
- Methods in Genome Analysis
- Proseminar Bioinformatics
- Seminar Bioinformatics
Professional services
- Editorial Board Member, Bioinformatics
- Editorial Board Member, Biology Direct
- Editorial Board Member, OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology
- German Conference on Bioinformatics 1997 (Conference co-chair), 1998-2014 (Member of the Program Committee)
- 7th Georgia Tech International Conference "Genome Biology and Bioinformatics", 2009, Member of the Program Committee
- 8th Georgia Tech International Conference "From Genomics to Synthetic Biology", 2011, Member of the Program Committee
- Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology, Member of the Program Committee
- Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology 1999-2009, 2011-2015, Member of the Program Committee
- Pacific Symposium on Bioinformatics 1997, 1998, and 2000, Session Chair