The article "Slim through fat?" by Prof. Klingenspor of the EKFZ has now been published in the current issue of the TUM magazine "Faszination Forschung" (24/2020). The article is available as a German version as well as an English version. Further interesting reports "All about nutrition, sensory technology and agriculture of the future" can be found here.
Slim through fat? | MEM article in the current TUM magazine "Faszination Forschung" (24/2020)
Prof. Klingenspor is one of the editors of the new Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology (Springer-Verlag | Vol. 251 | 2019)
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) and its metabolic function is the main topic in this new handbook. The book provides an update on the latest research. BAT dissipates energy and might offer a target for novel therapies to address obesity, a health condition that has reached pandemic dimensions.