(German language only)
Episode #37 Climate stress for the potato – New varieties are needed! (Klimastress für die Kartoffel – Neue Sorten müssen her!)
BayKlimaFit - part 2
How can we make plants fit for climate change? Many experts from science and industry are already working to find answers to this question in Bavaria. "BayKlimaFit" is the project network initiated by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection in 2015. What exactly is behind that project network, Professor Dr. Chris-Carolin Schön from the TUM in Freising will tell us in this episode. Toni Scheurlen will also take a closer look at one of the projects of the network. She is going to find out about the tuber quality and stress tolerance of potatoes during her visit of the laboratory of Professor Dr. Uwe Sonnewald and Dr. Sophia Sonnewald.