We congratulate Dr. Stephanie Heinzlmeir for being awarded with promotion prize of the German Society for Proteome Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Proteomforschung) for her outstanding dissertation.
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Chemical proteomic approaches utilizing immobilized, broad-selective kinase inhibitors (Kinobeads) have proven valuable for the elucidation of a compound’s target profile often revealing potentially synergistic or toxic off-targets. Here, we report the development of a novel version of Kinobeads…
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Here we present CiRCus, a framework to generate custom machine learning models to classify results from high-throughput proteomics binding experiments.
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Genome‐, transcriptome‐ and proteome‐wide measurements provide insights into how biological systems are regulated. However, fundamental aspects relating to which human proteins exist, where they are expressed and in which quantities are not fully understood. Therefore, we generated a quantitative…
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Challenges in Clinical Metaproteomics Highlighted by the Analysis of Acute Leukemia Patients with Gut Colonization by Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae.
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