Vorträge auf internationalen Wissenschaftskonferenzen
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
* vortragende Person
Bichlmaier C*, Di Pizio A, Behrens M, Lang R. Mozambioside degrades during coffee roasting into newly identified pyrolysis compounds with lower activation thresholds for bitter receptors. International Coffee Convention; Mannheim, DE, 17.-18.10.2024
Lang R*. Bitter compounds and mass spectrometry. 8th MS Food Days; Torre Canne, IT, 15.-18.10.2004
Musa S*, Kaur N, Scherf KA, Halford N, CRISPR wheat: A solution to acrylamide concerns for food safety. Cereals & Grains 24, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA, 16.-17.10.2024.
Geisslitz S*, Leitner M, Scherf KA, Kaltner F. Impact of dough preparation and baking process on tropane alkaloids in gluten-free bread. 10th D-A-CH-Conference in Applied Cereal Science, Vienna, AT, 10.-11.10.2024
Lorenz KK*, Scherf KA. Exploring gluten digestibility: LC-MS/MS analysis of immunoreactive peptides in flour and bread following in vitro digestion. 37th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity; Darmstadt, DE, 26.-28.09.2024
Tissen E*, Lexhaller B, Geisslitz S,, Scherf KA. Quantitation of celiac disease-active peptides in beer by LC-MS/MS. 37th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity. Darmstadt, DE, 26.-28.09.2024
Tissen E*, Xhaferaj M, Lexhaller B, Geisslitz S, Scherf KA. Quantitation of celiac disease-active peptides in beer by LC-MS/MS. 21st European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop. Lisbon, PT, 03.-06.06.2024.
Lorenz KK*, Scherf KA. Proteomics method development for tracking gluten digestibility in cereal-based foods. 21st European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop; Lissabon, PT, 03.-05.06.2024
Schirmer T, Scherf KA*. Proteomics study of wheat from flour to bread. 2024 International Symposium on Grain Science and Technology; Beijing, CN, and online, 24.05.2024 (invited)
Buck L*, Ziegler D, Hitzmann B, Popper L, Scherf KA. Protein fingerprinting of wheat flours with different baking properties. 17. ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress, Nates, FR, 22.-25.04.2024
Hermans W, De Bondt Y, Langenaeken N, Geisslitz S, Scherf KA, Courtin CM. Sub-aleurone in wheat bran: an overlooked and unexplored source of gluten for wholemeal bread making. 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress; Nantes, FR, 22.-25.04.2024
Höller N*, Scherf KA. Influence of different process parameters and additives on the structure and functionality of gluten. 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress; Nantes, FR, 22.-25.04.2024
Musa S*, Scherf KA. Mitigating acrylamid: efficacy of asparaginases in enhancing food safety in breakfast cereals. 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress; Nantes, FR, 22.-25.04.2024
Stemler CD*, Scherf KA. The quest for the best lipase for application in pound cake. 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress; Nantes, FR, 22.-25.04.2024
Geisslitz S*. Application, challenges and possibilities of mass spectrometric analysis of cereal proteins. 8th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting; Zagreb, HR, 10.-12.04.2024
Hempel C*, Scherf KA, Geisslitz S. Development of a baking method for spelt. 8th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting; Zagreb, HR, 10.-12.04.2024
Jahn N*, Geisslitz S, Scherf KA. Immunoreactive potential of German common wheat landraces. 8th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting; Zagreb, HR, 10.-12.04.2024
Geisslitz S*, Hermans W, De Bondt Y, Langenaeken N, Courtin C, Scherf KA. Protein composition of wheat kernel layers and the impact on bread-making quality. 55th Annual Conference of the DGMS (German Society for Mass Spectrometry); Freising, DE, 10.-13.03.2024
Hermans W, De Bondt Y, Langenaeken N, Silventoinen-Veijalainen P, Geisslitz S, Scherf KA, Nordlund E, Courtin CM. Exploiting wheat’s overlooked and untapped source of gluten: the sub-aleurone. Cereals & Grains 23; Schaumburg, IL, USA, 18.-20.10.2023
Stemler CD*, Geißlitz S, Scherf KA. Schlüsselreaktionen für die Verbesserung der Backqualität Feiner Backwaren durch Lipasen. 9. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften (9. D-A-CH Conference of Applied Cereal Sciences); Detmold, 05.-06.10.2023
Schuster C, Huen J, Scherf KA*. Predicting the baking quality of wheat using protein analytical and functional parameters. ACS Fall 2023 Meeting & Expo; Online, 13.-17.08.2023
Musa S*, Scherf KA. Acrylamide reduction via asparaginases in cookies can be improved depending on baking conditions and incubation temperature. IAFP 2023, Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection; Toronto, CA, 16.-19.07.2023
Scherf KA*. Unraveling the secrets determining the bread making quality of wheat. 2023 International Symposium on Grain Science and Technology; Beijing, CN, and online, 13.-14.07.2023 (invited)
Buck L*, Ziegler D, Hitzmann B, Scherf KA. Protein fingerprinting of wheat flours with different baking properties. 20th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop; Leuven, BE, 12.-14.04.2023
Hempel C*, Scherf KA, Geisslitz S. Predicting the baking quality of spelt. 20th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop; Leuven, BE, 12.-14.04.2023
Musa S*, Scherf KA. Acrylamide reduction via asparaginases in cookies can be improved depending on baking conditions and incubation temperature. 20th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop; Leuven, BE, 12.-14.04.2023
Scherf KA*. Proteomics to study gluten composition. Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences; Online, 08.11.2022 (invited)
Geißlitz S*. Herausforderungen in der LC-MS/MS-Analytik von Amylase/Trypsin-Inhibitoren. 8. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften (8. D-A-CH Conference of Applied Cereal Sciences); Uzwil, CH, 06.-07.10.2022
Xhaferaj M*. Neue Referenzmaterialien - Roggen und Gerste in der Glutenanalytik. 8. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften (8. D-A-CH Conference of Applied Cereal Sciences); Uzwil, CH, 06.-07.10.2022
Lacorn M, Dubois T, Weiss T, Haas-Lauterbach S, Zimmermann L, Schinabeck T-M, Loos-Theisen S, Scherf KA. Applicability of the R5 sandwich ELISA for gluten detection in various food matrices confirmed by an international collaborative study. ACS Fall 2022 Meeting & Expo; Chicago, IL, USA, 21.-25.08.2022
Lexhaller B*, Ludwig C, Scherf KA. Identification of isopeptides between human tissue transglutaminase and gluten peptides. ACS Fall 2022 Meeting & Expo; Online, 21.-25.08.2022
Bugyi Z, Muskovics G, Xhaferaj M, Schall E, Scherf K, Tömösközi S. The next chapter of the reference material journey - Rye and barley in gluten quantification. 20th ICC Conference; Vienna, AT, 05.-07.07.2022
Hermans W, Geisslitz S, Langenaeken NA, Scherf KA, Courtin CM. Protein distribution analysis of the wheat endosperm reveals potential of bran selection for bread making. 20th ICC Conference; Vienna, AT, 05.-07.07.2022 (awarded with the ICC Best Paper Award)
Joestl S*, Geisslitz S, Börner A, Scherf KA. Identification of reduction strategies for amylase/trypsin inhibitors (ATIs) in foods: Development of a LC-MS/MS method. 20th ICC Conference; Vienna, AT, 05.-07.07.2022
Scherf KA*. Analytical toolbox to assess the safety of gluten-free products. 20th ICC Conference; Vienna, AT, 05.-07.07.2022 (invited)
Höller N*, Scherf KA, Process-structure correlation of the wheat protein vital gluten. 19th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop; Valencia, ES, 05.-08.06.2022
Jahn N*, Geisslitz S, Scherf KA, Protein composition of landraces and modern grain varieties. 19th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop; Valencia, ES, 05.-08.06.2022
Muskovics G, Xhaferaj M, Schall E, Scherf KA, Tömösközi S, Bugyi Z. Recent progress in reference material development for gluten quantitation. 19th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop; Valencia, ES, 05.-08.06.2022
Xhaferaj M*, Tissen E, Scherf KA, The complexity of gluten and analytical challenges seen from the eyes of a food chemist. Jebsen Coeliac Disease Research Centre Retreat; Jevnaker, NO, 30.-31.05.2022
Geisslitz S*, Jahn N, Longin F, Scherf KA, Inhibitory activity and content of amylase/trypsin-inhibitors in ancient and modern wheat species. 7th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting; Thessaloniki, GR, 06.-08.04.2022
Lacorn M, Dubois T, Weiss T, Zimmermann L, Schinabeck T-M, Haas-Lauterbach S, Loos-Theisen S, Scherf KA, International collaborative study on comprehensive matrix extension for gluten detection using the R5 sandwich ELISA. 7th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting; Thessaloniki, GR, 06.-08.04.2022
Lexhaller B*, Ludwig C, Scherf KA, Identification of isopeptides between human TG2 and gluten peptides from wheat, rye, and barley. 35th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity; Online, 31.03.-01.04.2022
Scherf KA*, Analysis of partially hydrolysed gluten in fermented foods. 35th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity; Online, 31.03.-01.04.2022
Weiss T*, Scherf KA*, Collaborative study using a wide range of matrices for gluten analysis by R5 sandwich ELISA RIDASCREEN(R) Gliadin. 35th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity; Online, 31.03.-01.04.2022
Maric A, Scherf KA*, Analytical performance of a portable gluten sensor for celiac disease patients. ACS Spring 2022 Meeting & Expo; Online, 20.-24.03.2022
Scherf KA*, Challenges and outstanding questions in gluten analysis. Coeliac UK Research Conference 2022 - Coeliac disease, new developments and implications for practice; 16.03.2022 (invited) (Online)
Knopf O*, Muller O, Kämper C*, Geisslitz S, Scherf KA, BigBaking - Ensuring high baking quality and nitrogen-use efficiency through optimization of storage protein composition and enzymatic activity. 1st Virtual Wheat Quality Meeting, WheatInitiative; Online, 24.-25.11.2021
Geisslitz S*, Börner A, Longin F, Scherf KA, Influence of wheat species, breeding and environmental conditions on amylase/trypsin-inhibitors as triggers of wheat sensitivity. 6th Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding (CBB6); Online, 03.-05.11.2021
Pronin D, Börner A, Weber H, Scherf KA*, WHEATSCAN – Fingerprinting of wheat varieties from 1891 to 2010 to study changes in protein composition. 6th Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding (CBB6); Online, 03.-05.11.2021
Jöstl S*, Geisslitz S, Börner A, Scherf KA, Screening auf Amylase-Trypsin-Inhibitoren in Sommer- und Wintergersten (Screening for amylase-trypsin-inhibitors in summer and winter barley accessions). 7. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften (7. D-A-CH Conference of Applied Cereal Sciences); Vienna, AT, 30.09.-01.10.2021
Schuster C*, Huen J, Weiss T, Scherf KA, Aufklärung der jeweils geeigneten molekularen Glutenzusammensetzung in Weizenmehl für die Prozesse Spiralkneten, Auswalzen und Gärunterbrechung (Determination of the respective suitable gluten composition in wheat flour for spiral mixing, lamination and proofing interruption). 7. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften (7. D-A-CH Conference of Applied Cereal Sciences); Vienna, AT, 30.09.-01.10.2021
Stemler C*, Scherf KA, Emulsionen als Modellsystem für die Substratspezifität von Backlipasen (Emulsions as a model system for the substrate specificity of baking lipases). 7. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften (7. D-A-CH Conference of Applied Cereal Sciences); Vienna, AT, 30.09.-01.10.2021
Dubois T, Zimmermann L, Lacorn M, Schinabeck T-M, Loos-Theisen S, Weiss T*, Scherf KA, Collaborative study using an unprecedented wide range of matrices for gluten analysis. AOAC International 2021 Annual Meeting & Expo; Online, 27.08.-02.09.2021
Schopf M, Scherf KA*, New tests to predict the functionality of wheat gluten in bread making. ACS Fall 2021 Meeting & Expo; Online, 22.-26.08.2021
Rebholz G, Sebald K, Dirndorfer S, Dawid C, Hofmann T, Scherf KA*, Activity of endogenous and exogenous amylases in wheat bread. ACS Spring 2021 Virtual Meeting & Expo; Online, 05.-16.04.2021
Scherf KA*, Unravelling the causes for wheat-related disorders. ETH Zuerich, Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health Seminar Program; Online, 30.03.2021 (invited)
Lacorn M, Weiss T, Wehling P, Arlinghaus, Scherf KA*, Improved gluten analytical method to detect wheat, rye and barley in oat and oats products. Cereals & Grains Webinar Series; Online, 10.03.2021
Pronin D, Boerner A, Weber H, Scherf KA*, WHEATSCAN - Did breeding from 1890 until today change the immunoreactivity of wheat? 71st Annual Plant Breeders' Meeting; Online, 23.-24.11.2020 (invited)
Geisslitz S*, Koehler P, Longin CFH, Boerner A, Scherf KA, Effect of modern breeding on contents of amylase/trypsin-inhibitors. Cereals & Grains 20; Online, 25.10.-13.11.2020
Rebholz G, Scherf KA*, Tracking residual activities of exogenous amylases in white bread. Cereals & Grains 20; Online, 25.10.-13.11.2020
Lay MC*, Scherf KA, Analysis of gluten to detect celiac disease-relevant epitopes. 34th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity; Online, 15.-16.10.2020
Scherf KA*, Looking beyond PWG-gliadin at future reference materials for gluten. 34th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity; Online, 15.-16.10.2020 (invited)
Scherf KA*, Restaktivität von Enzymen, Gesamtüberblick (Residual activity of enzymes, overview). 6. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften (6. D-A-CH Conference of Applied Cereal Sciences); Online, 01.-02.10.2020 (invited)
Schopf M*, Scherf KA, Struktur und Funktionalität von Vitalkleber (Structure and functionality of vital gluten). 6. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften (6. D-A-CH Conference of Applied Cereal Sciences); Online, 01.-02.10.2020 (invited)
Scherf KA*, Complexities of gluten analysis. Coeliac UK's Scientific Webinar; Online, 29.09.2020 (invited)
Geisslitz S, Longin CFH, Koehler P, Scherf KA*, Allergenic amylase/trypsin-inhibitors in wheat cultivars from 1890 to 2010. ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo; Online, 17.-20.08.2020
Scherf KA*, Sind alte Weizensorten besser verträglich als moderne? (Are old wheats better tolerable than modern wheats?) Meet the Expert, Dr. Schär Institute; 26.06.2020 (invited) (Online)
Pronin D, Geisslitz S, Börner A, Scherf KA*, Is modern wheat really 'Frankenwheat'? Coeliac UK Research Conference 2020 - Coeliac disease; potential to refractory and everything in between; 20.03.2020 (invited) (Online)
Scherf KA*, What is gluten? National Convention Celiac Disease and other Gluten-related Disorders: Update 2020; Milan, IT, 06.-07.02.2020 (invited)
Geisslitz S*, Scherf KA, Absolute quantitation of wheat ATIs by LC-MS/MS. 1st ATI Workshop; Amsterdam, NL, 03.-05.02.2020 (invited)
Geisslitz S, Pronin D, Scherf KA*, the WHEATSCAN consortium, ATI in wheat cultivars from 1890 to 2010. 33rd Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity; Urbino, IT, 12.10.2019 (invited)
Lacorn M, Weiss T, Wehling P, Arlinghaus M, Scherf KA*, International collaborative study on gluten detection using the Total Gluten ELISA test kit. 33rd Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity; Urbino, IT, 11.10.2019
Scherf KA*, Has gluten recently changed in composition or processing? The agronomist's view. 18th International Celiac Disease Symposium (ICDS); Paris, FR, 05.-07.09.2019 (invited)
Scherf KA*, Advancing the detection of immunoreactive cereal proteins to protect sensitive individuals. ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Expo; San Diego, CA, USA, 25.-29.08.2019