Prof. Martin Klingenspor (Chair of Molecular Nutritional Medicine, Else Kröner-Fresenius-Centre, School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, TU Munich) is a speaker of EMBO | EMBL Symposium in Heidelberg | 15 - 18 March 2020. Venue: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
You find more information about the symposium here.
Prof. Klingenspor is one of the editors of the new Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology (Springer-Verlag | Vol. 251 | 2019)
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) and its metabolic function is the main topic in this new handbook. The book provides an update on the latest research. BAT dissipates energy and might offer a target for novel therapies to address obesity, a health condition that has reached pandemic dimensions.
Further information