Hörpel, SG., Vernes, SC. & Firzlaff, U. Representation of vocalizations in the frontal auditory field and the dorsal auditory cortex of bats. Accepted for publication in Ann N Y Acad Sci.
- Maldarelli, G., Firzlaff, U. & Luksch, H. Azimuthal sound localization in the chicken. PLoS One. 2022 Nov 22;17(11):e0277190. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0277190. eCollection 2022.
- Vernes, SC., Devanna, P., Hörpel, SG., Alvarez van Tussenbroek, I., Firzlaff, U., et. al., (2022) The pale spear nosed bat- a neuromolecular and transgenic model for vocal learning. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2022 Sep 7. doi: 10.1111/nyas.14884. Online ahead of print.
- Pastyrik, J. & Firzlaff, U. (2022) Object specific adaptation in the auditory cortex of bats. J. Neurophysiol. 128(3):556-567. doi: 10.1152/jn.00151.2022. Epub 2022 Aug 10.
Maldarelli, G., Firzlaff, U., Lutz Kettler, L., Ondracek, JM. & Luksch, H. (2022) Two types of auditory spatial receptive fields in different parts of the chicken's midbrain. J Neurosci. Jun 8;42(23):4669-4680. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2204-21.2022.
- Lattenkamp, E.Z., Hörpel, SG. Mengede, J. & Firzlaff, U. (2021) A researcher’s guide to the comparative assessment of vocal production learning. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 376:20200237.
- Hörpel, SG., Leonie Baier, L., Herbert Peremans, H., Jonas Reijniers, J., Wiegrebe , L & Firzlaff, U. (2021) Communication Breakdown: Limits of spectro-temporal resolution for the perception of bat communication calls. Sci Rep. Jul 1;11(1):13708. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-92842-4.
- Vanderelst, D., Achutha, AC., Firzlaff, U. & Peremans P. (2021) Efficient encoding of spectrotemporal information for bat echolocation. PLoS Comput Biol. 17(6):e1009052. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009052. eCollection 2021 Jun.
- Radtke-Schuller, S. Fenzl, T., Peremans, H. Schuller, G. & Firzlaff, U. (2020) Cyto- and Myeloarchitectural Brain Atlas of the Pale Spear-Nosed Bat (Phyllostomus discolor) in CT Aided Stereotaxic Coordinates. Brain Struct Funct. 2020 Sep 16. doi: 10.1007/s00429-020-02138-y. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32936343
Hörpel, SG. & Firzlaff, U. (2020) Post-natal development of the envelope following response to amplitude modulated sounds in the bat Phyllostomus discolor. Hear. Res., Mar 15; 388:107904. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2020.107904. Epub 2020 Jan 30.
- Hoffmann, S., Bley, A., Matthes, M., Firzlaff, U. & Luksch, H. The neural basis of dim-light vision in echolocating bats. Brain, Behavior and Evolution/Online first.DOI:10.1159/000504124
- Hörpel, SG. & Firzlaff, U. (2019) Processing of fast amplitude modulations in bat auditory cortex matches communication call specific sound features. J. Neurophysiol. 121(4):1501-1512. doi: 10.1152/jn.00748.2018.
Kugler, K., Luksch, H., Peremans, H., Vanderelst, D., Wiegrebe, L. & Firzlaff, U. (2019) Optic and echo-acoustic flow interact in bats. J Exp Biol., 222(Pt 6). pii: jeb195404. doi: 10.1242/jeb.195404.
Rodenas-Cuadrado, P.M., Mengede, J., Baas, L., Devanna, P., Schmid, T.A., Yartsev, M., Firzlaff, U. & Vernes, S.C. (2018) Mapping the distribution of language related genes FoxP1, FoxP2 and CntnaP2 in the brains of vocal learning bat species. J Comp Neurol. doi: 10.1002/cne.24385. Epub 2018 Feb 28.
- Greiter, W. & Firzlaff, U. (2017) Representation of three-dimensional space in the auditory cortex of the echolocating bat P. discolor. PLoS ONE 12(8):e0182461. doi.org10.1371/journal.pone.0182461.
- Greiter, W. & Firzlaff, U. (2017) Echo-acoustic flow shapes object representation in spatially complex acoustic scenes. J. Neurophysiol. 117(6):2113-2124.
- Luo, J., Lingner, A., Firzlaff, U. & Wiegrebe, L. (2017) The Lombard effect emerges early in young bats: Implications for the development of audio-vocal integration. J Exp Biol. 220(Pt 6):1032-1037. doi: 10.1242/jeb.151050.
- Hoffmann, S., Bley, A., Matthes, M., Vega-Zuniga., Krabichler, Q., Greiter, W., Zimmer, C., Firzlaff, U. & Luksch, H. (2016) Congruent representation of visual and acoustic space in the superior colliculus of the echolocating bat Phyllostomus discolor. Eur. J. Neurosci,44(9):2685-2697. doi: 10.1111/ejn.13394.
- Genzel, G., Firzlaff, U., Wiegrebe, L. & MacNeilage, P. (2016) Dependence of auditory spatial updating on vestibular, proprioceptive, and efference copy signals. J. Neurophysiol., 116:765-75.
- Kugler, K., Greiter, W., Luksch, H., Firzlaff, U. & Wiegrebe, L. (2016) Echo-acoustic flow affects flight in bats. J. Exp. Biol., 219:1793-7.
- Faure, P.A. & Firzlaff, U. (2016) Neural Coding of Signal Duration and Complex Acoustic Objects. In: B. Fenton et al. (eds.), Bat Bioacoustics, Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, vol. 54.
- Rodenas-Cuadrado, P.M., Chen X.S., Wiegrebe, L., Firzlaff U. & Vernes, S.C. (2015) A novel approach identifies the first transcriptome networks in bats: a new model for vocal communication BMC Genomics, 16:836 DOI 10.1186/s12864-015-2068-1.
- Hoffmann, S., Genzel, D., Prosch, S., Baier, L., Weser, S., Wiegrebe, L. & Firzlaff, U. (2015) Biosonar navigation above water I: estimating flight height. J. Neurophysiol. 113:1135-1145.
- Genzel, D., Hoffmann, S., Prosch, S., Firzlaff, U. & Wiegrebe, L. (2015) Biosonar navigation above water II: exploiting mirror images. J. Neurophysiol. 113:1146-1155.
- Schnyder, H.A., Vanderelst, D., Bartenstein, S., Firzlaff, U. & Luksch, L. (2014) The Avian Head Induces Cues for Sound Localization in Elevation. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112178. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112178.
- Bartenstein, S.K., Gerstenberg, N., Vanderelst, D., Peremans, H. & Firzlaff, U. (2014) Echo-acoustic flow dynamically modifies the cortical map of target range in bats. Nat. Commun. 5:4668, doi: 10.1038/ncommms5668.
Hoffmann, S., Warmbold, A., Wiegrebe, L. & Firzlaff, U. (2013) Spatio-temporal contrast enhancement and feature extraction in the bat auditory midbrain and cortex. J. Neurophysiol., 110: 1257–1268.
Vanderelst, D., Reijners, J., Firzlaff, U. & Peremans, H. (2011) Dominant glint based prey localization in Horseshoe bats: A possible strategy for noise rejection. PloS Comput. Biol. 7(12), e1002268, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002268
- Heinrich, M., Warmbold, A., Hoffmann, S., Firzlaff, U. & Wiegrebe, L. (2011) The sonar aperture and its neural representation in bats. J. Neurosci., 31(43), 15618-15627
- Borina, F., Firzlaff, U. & Wiegrebe, L. (2011) Neural coding of echo-envelope disparities in echolocating bats. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 197, 561-569.
- Vanderelst, D., Peremans, H., Geipel, I., Kalko, E. & Firzlaff, U. (2010) What noseleaves do for FM bats depends on their degree of sensorial specialization. PLoS ONE 5(8): e11893. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011893.
- Schebesch, G., Lingner, A., Firzlaff, U., Wiegrebe, L. & Grothe, B. (2010) Perception and neural representation of size-variant human vowels in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). Hear. Res., 261, 1-8.
- Hoffmann, S., Schuller, G. & Firzlaff, U. (2010) Dynamic stimulation evokesspatially focused receptive fields in bat auditory cortex. Eur. J. Neurosci., 31(2), 371-385.
- De May, F., Reijniers, J., Peremans, H., Otani, M. & Firzlaff, U. (2008) Simulated Head Related Transfer Function of the Phyllostomid bat, Phyllostomus discolor. J. Acoust. Soc.Am. 124(4), 2123-2132.
- Hoffmann, S., Firzlaff, U., Radtke-Schuller, S., Schwellnus, B. & Schuller, G. (2008) The auditory cortex of the bat Phyllostomus discolor: Localization and organization of basic response properties. BMC Neurosci., 9(1):65.
- Borina, F., Firzlaff, U., Schuller, G. & Wiegrebe, L. (2008) Representation of echo roughness and its relationship to amplitude-modulation processing in the bat auditory midbrain. Eur. J. Neurosci., 27(10). 2724-2732.
- Hoffmann, S., Baier, L., Borina, F., Schuller, G., Wiegrebe, L. & Firzlaff, U. (2008) Psychophysical and neurophysiological hearing thresholds in the bat Phyllostomus discolor. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 194, 39-47.
- Firzlaff, U. & Schuller, G. (2007) Cortical responses to object-size dependent spectral interference patterns in echolocating bats. Eur. J. Neurosci., 26(10), 2747- 2755
- Firzlaff, U., Schuchmann, M., Grunwald, J.E., Schuller, G. & Wiegrebe, L. (2007) Object-oriented echo perception and cortical representation in echolocating bats. PloS Biol. 5(5): e100. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050100
- Clauss, M., Firzlaff, U., Castell, J.C., Kiefer, B. & Streich, W.J. (2007) Effect of captivity and mineral supplementation on body composition and mineral status of mustached bats (Pteronotus parnellii rubiginosus). J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr., 91(5-6), 187-192.
- Firzlaff, U., Schörnich, S., Hoffmann, S., Schuller, G. & Wiegrebe, L. (2006) A neural correlate of stochastic echo imaging. J. Neurosci., 26(3), 785-791.
- Liesegang, A. Firzlaff, U., Kiefer, B., Streich, W.J. & Clauss, M. (2006) Different supplementation of minerals in bats and the consequences on bone mineral density. Zoo Animal Nutrition Vol. III, 295-300, Filander Verlag, Fürth.
- Firzlaff, U. & Schuller, G. (2004) Directionality of hearing in two CF/FM bats, Pteronotus parnellii and Rhinolophus rouxi. Hear. Res., 197, 74-86.
- Firzlaff, U. & Schuller, G. (2003) Spectral directionality of the external ear of the lesser spear-nosed bat, Phyllostomus discolor. Hear. Res., 185, 110-122.
- Firzlaff, U. & Schuller, G. (2001) Motion processing in the auditory cortex of the rufous horseshoe bat: Role of GABAergic inhibition. Eur. J. Neurosci., 14, 1687-1701.
- Firzlaff, U. & Schuller, G. (2001) Cortical representation of acoustic motion in the rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi. Eur. J. Neurosci., 13, 1209-1220.